change your vibe in 15 seconds

"What you focus on, think and believe, creates your REALITY!"

Can you spare 15-seconds?

That’s how fast you can change your Point of Attraction.

What you focus on, think and believe, creates your REALITY!


Inside The Manifestor’s Cafe, one of the tools we use is called “Story Manifesting.”

It works like this.

This is the part of the story where I…

You fill in the blank, and because you create your reality, and life is your movie, you are writing how your movie plays out.

There is a defining moment in every great movie when the hero loses everything, but they find the strength, wisdom, and courage to keep believing and going.

That’s what we love about stories/ movies.

Give yourself 15-60 seconds to read and feel these statements and notice how quickly you feel better.

This is the part of the story where I…
Start believing in myself and my dreams.

This is the part of the story where I…
make a decision to see the best in myself and others.

This is the part of the story where I…
start telling a better story every day!

This is the part of the story where I…
focus on feeling good no matter what.

This is the part of the story where I…
 everything is working out for me.

This is the part of the story where I…
start smiling more and celebrating every day.

This is the part of the story where I…
love the life I’m living.

I bet you feel better? 

You just became the hero of your story, and now you are able to receive the inspiration you have been asking for.

That's why I created The Manifestor’s Cafe to help you accelerate your dreams into reality. To become a master of your thoughts and focus!

Every Wednesday, we meet at 12pm PDT & 4pm PDT, so you can feel connected, supported, and inspired every day. Each month I deliver:

  • New tools for manifesting faster
  • Laser coaching with me
  •  Live group visualizations
  •  Community connection 

and so much more. Learn more about how The Manifestor’s Cafe can help you accelerate your dreams into reality!

Live a great story,


Manifest faster! Free book with a guided visualization for health, wealth and happiness.

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