Andy's Bloggy

Unfulfilled desires, UGH!

Do you appreciate your unfulfilled desires?

For most people, the answer is NO! It's annoying and frustrating. Where's my lover, money, exciting career, and world travel?

Everything you and I want...

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Light up the world by living from the heart

Light up the world
By living from the heart
Step into your creative love
Discover your lies and truth
Your heart is calling you
Let go of your limitations
Every desire has been answered



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How to manifest faster


Everyone wants to manifest faster.

In this 60 second video, you will learn what you are doing wrong so you can manifest faster.

We are manifesting all the time. But when it comes to the BIG...

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This one decision will determine your destiny


My video is blowing up on Tik-Tok!

It went from 15K views to 64K in a few days.

It's gotten 25K hearts, and I have about 3000 new followers on Tik-Tok who enjoy the Law of Attraction and my positive...

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The hard to believe โ€œsecretโ€ to manifesting

I am blown away with the PS of an email I just received. (see below) 

"PS, you made a very large impact in my left - I met you in Las Vegas at the...

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I want it. I feel it. I know it's coming. Thank you!

Happy birthday to me and a new mantra for you

This simple mantra I came up with enables me to relax and receive.

I want it. This means I have something that lights me up. A desire within me to...

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The number one question I get asked all the time

The number one question I get asked all the time.
How do I manifest my dreams faster?
Let me give you my simple Triple A Formula.
APPRECIATION: You have to appreciate...
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Stop thinking it's hard and start thinking there's always a way!

You are the light. Let it shine bright.

Today let your love for life shine so bright that you light up everyone who sees you or thinks of you.

Stop thinking it's too late and start thinking I'm...

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Come on, tell a better story, will ya!

I wrote you a new story!

Tell me what you think.

Unfortunately, as we get older, our story becomes less about living the life of our dreams and more about accepting things as they are and settling...

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