Andy's Bloggy

Hippie Andy. It's buried in my soul like California gold.


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This quote changed my life

thoughts become things Mar 18, 2022

These 3 simple words changed my life.

Short story: Back in the 1990s, my mother, brother, and I started selling TUT t-shirts out of a pushcart! One day at the TUT warehouse, Mike was talking...

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I wish I knew this in my 20's. "Advanced Manifesting Mindset!"

advanced manifesting Mar 16, 2022

Liberate your mind!
There are 3 keys to unlocking this advanced mindset, and I want to give them to you. Watch this new video on YouTube.

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This Changed My Life


Understanding the 5 Steps of Deliberate Creating will change your life.
Step 3 of Deliberate Creating has changed my life!

You've got the power to transform you reality today!

> You have...

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Start Manifesting Money With The New Affirmation!

manifesting money Feb 22, 2022

This is one of my favorite affirmations. And it works on anything you want to manifest.

  MONEY IS ENERGY. You must become the energy of abundance and prosperity to attract money.

> It's...

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Video - Manifesting Faster!

manifest faster Feb 17, 2022

Click here to download my free book ==>>

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Do this to manifest faster

The number 1 question I get asked all the time? How do I manifest faster?

Let me give you my simple triple A formula.

Appreciation is the first A. Start by appreciating the good and the...

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Raise Your Vibe

raise your vibe Feb 04, 2022

Give it a try and you will fly!

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You won't believe this

your mind is a garden Jan 24, 2022

I know you have heard this metaphor before.

But don't dismiss it. Read the story below to get you in the flow.

Your mind is a garden, your thoughts are seeds, you can grow flowers,...

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Validate Yourelf

validate yourself Jan 22, 2022
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"I wish I would have read this book 20 years ago!"

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